Dr. M Shahadat Hossain
BSPT (DU), MSc PT(DU), PhD-fellow (JU), Dip. in-Manipulation Therapy (Certified ETOMG-Belgium),
McKenzie (A&B), Mulligan and dry Needling (India) Faculty Member of Bangladesh Health profession Institute (CRP), Savar.
- Assistant professor, Dhaka College of Physiotherapy
- Chief Consultant(Ex): Popular Medical college Hospital, Dhanmondi- 2.
- Chairman and Chief Consultant: ASPC Manipulation Therapy Centre, Nurjahan Road, Mohammadpur.
- Founder and conceptual inventor: Structural Diagnosis and Management (SDM) concept.
- Secretary: Centre for the Rehabilitation of Autism and Person with Disabilities (CARD).
- Secretary-General: Bangladesh Physiotherapy Association (BPA).